
Tour: 12 hours
One way drive: 2,5 hours
Price: 2 pax – 7 800 CZK / 3-6 pax – 10 000 CZK

“The Florence of Elbe ” Dresden, the capital of the German federal state of Saxony, is situated in a valley on the river Elbe. Protected for centuries by mighty fortifications, the town developed splendor and activity.

In spite of vast destruction during WW2, the historical city centre has preserved or regained fascinating ensembles. The most famous symbol of reconstruction of Dresden is the Frauenkirche Church.
The most famous site is the Zwinger – a baroque court enclosing a pictoresque garden, which houses various collections of fine art and scientific treasures. You can visit the precious “Old masters’ picture gallery” with paintings of Rubens, Canaletto, Raphael and many others. There are also collections of weapons, clocks and scientific instruments. The local collection of Meissen porcelain is the biggest porcelain collection of the world.
The Fürstenzug (procession of princes) fresco showing the Wettin dynasty can be found in the Zwinger.
During the coffee break enjoy the local egg cheese cake – Eierschecke.

7 am departure from Prague
about 9 am arrival to Dresden and start of the driving + walking orientation tour with your guide
1 pm lunch in a local restaurant (not included in the price)
2-3 pm tour of the town with the guide
3 pm coffee break
3-5 pm free time (You can visit some sights on your own.) You can ask your Prague guide to stay with you or give you a free time.
5:00 departure for Prague
8 pm arrival to Prague

Related websites:

Dresden website
Dresden – panoramic pictures
Info about Dresden

Sightseeing options:

You can pay entry fees to 1-3 sights according to your Choice:
Zwinger art gallery,
Zwinger – Armory
Zwinger – Porcelain collections
Frauenkirche Church…)